Marc Raziano

DJ, Hour 11


IG: hour11

Book a Staj with Marc

Marc had a passion and found ways to fulfill that passion in all aspects of life. During the day he works in A&R at a popular recording agency. And over the weekends, he is the founder and DJ for Hour 11, performing all over the country.

Marc has 10+ years experience across all aspects of music business. He is Grammy nominated A&R for best Remixed Recording: The Knocks - Slow Song (Paul Woolford Remix). He is an experienced founder with a demonstrated history of working in the entertainment industry.

Specialties include: Artist Management, Digital Marketing, A&R, Social Network Optimization, Fan Engagement, E-Commerce, D2F/D2C, Brand Identity Creation and Management, Public Relations, CRM, Salesforce, Online Ticketing, Piano, Music Technology, Music Composition, Social Media, and Music Industry.

Ready to Staj?

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